Saturday, January 30, 2010


I got up and ran this morning at 7:17; about 2.2 miles this time. One more benefit of getting up at 6:00 is clean-feeling lungs; it feels like they soak up less exhaust and smog. Yesterday I did not exercise in the morning...or the afternoon, so I promised my little family that I would dust off the lawn mower and attack the mole-hill, weed-mine ridden lawn with ugly patches of grass sprouting in early anticipation of spring. It looked like the awkward little pock-ridden pre-pubescent in serious need of some attention and acne medication. After digging, ripping, pushing, pulling, and raking I decided that next year I would rather run two 5Ks back-to-back instead of treating a three-month neglected lawn with hand clippers, and an old-fashioned push-mower. I was sweating from head-to-cankles, like a real prairie lady, minus the awkward dress--I sported my polka-dot-heart shirt, and the pink PJ cut-offs, too cute. I shouldn't complain too much--the push mower saves us hundreds in lawn care and it really is a good work-out. Speaking of saving, and grooming, my hair is now a solid two colors. After about one-and-a-half years of experimenting with home dyes and highlight caps, browns turning red, and zebra streaks going horizontal, it was time to call it quits. I will wait until I can afford a real hair professional to lighten my locks. My current hair color is what I like to call the trashy-two-tone. Right now I need to put aside vanity and soak up the opportunities to learn a few things. But when that time comes I am going to get a hairdresser, and a gardener, a good one, for now, I have another reason to break a sweat and burn some calories.


  1. I'm glad that I'm not the only female in the universe who can be found behind a lawn mower. We are just working on our figures and tans right? It keeps us humble.
    If you need a solution for 2 tone could always cut it. I know someone who cuts hair for free :)

  2. Good work Bina! I shoveled the driveway once. WOW! A lot harder than I thought. BTW, since we are talking about lawns, I just bought 2 more lawn gnomes last night :-)

  3. Where have you been since the end of January? I wanted to tell you great job on your progress so far! If I wasn't pregnant right now I'd be on the same bandwagon.
