Saturday, February 13, 2010

Reason Enough

Excuses have been plaguing me this week. There have been many. "I can't run today because my knee is starting to hurt." Or, "There is a big blister growing on my right foot, I don't want to irritate it more, cause what if it gets really big, then I won't be able to run tomorrow, and what if it gets infected, what if, what if, what if!" I do need to be careful about my knee, but I also need to be careful about being careful about my knee, let me explain: If I let one little fiber of doubt wind itself around my will to be fit, then another fiber will easily wind around that one, until I am a big fat bug stuck in a web of self-doubt ready to be eaten slowly by a lanky spider--a snotty marathoner, with a Paris Hilton laugh. "What is she talking about!!?" I am talking about not letting little setbacks get me away from my goal of losing weight and being healthy. Also, the food this week, THE FOOD, oh where do I start. We celebrated Valentine's day at Macaroni Grill, and I ate EVERYTHING: the bread, the dipping oil, the fatty-shmaty pasta, and the crown jewel, pictured above: the drenched cake with chocolate genache, caramel, whipping cream, and a garnish if mint leaves--I hope to someday be greeted with this dish at the gates of heaven. Then the chocolates. My husband got me a box of my favorite gourmet chocolates, not Russell Stover! "Who do you think I am, achhh!" (valley girl voice). So when do I turn the naughty-food switch off? There are so many reasons to eat poorly, and as you can see from my thought bubble, I think of the lamest. But there are also many more IMPORTANT reasons to eat healthy, and my health is reason enough.


  1. Ha! Bina I love it! Is the scary spider inspired by the scary "other" mother from Coraline? Ha! I must be tired. Keep up the good work! We all need a cheat day every once in a while.

  2. What is your favorite chocolate? I like the Naga Bar

  3. Hi Bina! That chocolate cake looks so good! I have been sabotaging myself with a bowl of cute little hear-shaped Dove dark chocolates. They are so good. I think excuses are valid once in a while and it is ok to treat yourself, as long as you get back on the wagon and don't let the treating yourself spiral out-of-control. You are doing great! And do be careful with your knee. I think it might be good if you just ran a few times a week for a while and added weight training or something else to give your knee a break.

  4. Bina, this post is making me HUUUNNNNNGGGRRYYY!!
    keep it up. aches and pains are part of exercising. alternate cold packs and hot packs on the knee. it works wonders.

  5. Hey boon, i live and die for chocolate cake with ganache on top. I honestly think I am addicted to it. i think cookie monster had a negative affect on me growing up. i agree about the ice too -- I thought nothing would help my achy hip but i'm almost as good as new, and i think i have several bags of frozen vegetables to thank.
